The rainy night arrival of finn
My own second birth was whirlwind FAST! This mama had a very quick FIRST birth so I was sure to have my bags packed and ready to go at any time. Sure enough, her second birth was quick too! After getting a text from her husband that they were heading to the birth center, I decided not to wait and just headed out to Berkeley in the pouring rain. I left my house about 6:30PM and baby Finn made his big debut right around 8:30PM on January 21. Mama labored naturally and was supported by her husband, doula (my same amazing doula!!) and team of midwives. Finn came into the world peacefully and was caught by mama in the tub. And, big sister was right there eager to help!
I’m once again so grateful for the opportunity to witness such amazingness. Mama was strong and fierce. Quick labors are intense but she rode gracefully and goddessly right through it. Being able to see a support team in action is always incredible. Her husband was right there the whole time holding her hand. It was tough to get a shot of her catching the baby because she was surrounded on all sides by love and support. I can’t imagine a better problem for a photographer to have. Welcome to the world, Finn!